Get ahead in grammar: a practical guide for students provides a ready reference tool to help students understand the rules that are needed for the correct use of English grammar within the context of various text types. Students are introduced to grammar initially from an overall text level and then more micro levels are explored:
Grammar at the text level
• Connectives, paragraphs, word chains, figurative language Grammar at the sentence level
• Sentence structures
Grammar at the clause level
Clause structures, types of clauses
Grammar at the phrase level
• Phrase structures, punctuation
Grammar at the word level
• Nouns, pronouns, verbs and verb groups, verb tenses,
adverbs, adjectives, conjunctions, prepositions, abbreviations
The guide is organized in a double page spread format. One page outlines each grammar point under the following headings: definition, types, contexts, structure and examples; the second page highlights the use of the same grammar point in a longer text. Key concepts and relationships are highlighted by coloured arrows, cireles, balloons ete. Various types of text are used throughout the guide. This presentation provides the scaffolding and modelling necessary for the development of writing skills.
Get ahead in grammar a practical guide for students has been written by two experienced classroom teachers and provides teachers, parents and students with a unique tool to improve writing skills.
Get Ahead in Grammar : A Practical Guide for Students
Quill, Anne
Call Number
HS 425 Q41 2007
Accession Number