In the palm of God's Hand
HENRI NOUWEN ONCE WROTE: "What is most personal is most universal." Jose Maria de Nazareno's biographical account of Archbishop Jose Palma exposes the personal life of a son, a brother, a boy, a student, a man, a seminarian, an uncle, a priest, a friend, and a bishop whose story has a universal character that will definitely touch me with any person's life. De Nazareno made this biographical crosa stitch, not only with his fingers holding a pen but also with the palm of his hand feeling the pulsating, priestly heart of Archbishop Palma, to share with us powerful lessons to learn about humility, friendship, simplicity,
forgiveness, courage, and, of course, holiness.
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Jose S Palma - In the Palm of Gods Hand
Nazareno, Jose Maria de
Call Number
F 920 N23 2015
Accession Number