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This book simplifies the study of English grammar through colorful illustrations and diagrams to help learners understand with ease various grammar lessons. It is a recommended resource for self-directed learners, intermediate and advanced learners in English as a Second Language, and even professionals who wish to gain clarity and confidence in communicating in English.

 Get a grasp of key lessons through the whole-part-whole approach (also known as Synthesis) of lesson presentation using full-color illustrations and diagrams that show the relationships of grammar concepts with one another.

 Gain mastery in grammar through detailed lessons following each illustration or diagram.

 Learn and master the three categories of Subject-Verb Agreement Rules (i.e. subjects that require singular verbs, subjects that require plural verbs and tricky complications in subject-verb agreement) and turn from being confused to confident communicators.

 Engage in over 50 challenging exercises which include more than 800 test items covering the parts of speech, verbals, phrases, clauses, sentences, verb tenses, subjunctive mood, pronoun-antecedent agreement, subject-verb agreement, sentence errors, tag questions, and mechanics and punctuations.

 Ace the 60-item challenge on identifying errors in sentences designed for advanced learners.

Compared to other reference books that are normally textual, this book presents a unique approach that will boost the interest of all types of learners who find the study of grammar both tedious and boring.

Review your grammar and ACE exams

  • Author

    Flores, Florian Navarroza

  • Call Number

    F 415 F66 2018

  • Accession Number


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