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Science Quest 7 Science Quest 7 Australian Curriculum Edition combines in-depth coverage of all elaborations and content descriptions of the Australian curriculum with engaging activities and investigations. The student workbook provides additional classroom and homework activities. FEATURES ? Your Quest investigation activity at the start of every chapter that encourages students to inquire and engage ? Overarching ideas units that challenge students to place themselves within the context of a bigger picture ? Dedicated Science inquiry skills chapters and Investigations that progressively build inquiry skills ? Dedicated Thinking skills units that encourage students to think about how they learn and understand ? Dedicated Science as a human endeavour units that feature real-world science ? Individual pathways sheets that provide differentiated learning and consolidate knowledge ? Study and ICT checklists that outline key content and resources in each chapter This title features eBookPLUS: an electronic version of the textbook and a complementary set of targeted digital resources.
These flexible and engaging ICT activities are available to you online at the JacarandaPLUS website

Science Quest 7 & EBookPLUS - Australian Curriculum Edition

  • Author

    Lofts, Graeme

  • Call Number

    HS 500 L82 2011

  • Accession Number



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